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When do you need to have ADAS calibration on your vehicles?

ADAS Calibration is needed under many different circumstances, not just a major accident. In fact your vehicle could require ADAS calibration for a minor fender bender or many types of repairs. 

What types of car repairs require ADAS calibration?

There are several types of car repairs that may require ADAS calibration (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems). Some examples include:

Windshield Replacement: If the windshield of a vehicle equipped with ADAS is replaced, calibration may be necessary to ensure that the camera or sensor mounted on the windshield is properly aligned and functioning correctly.

Suspension Work: Any repairs or modifications to a vehicle's suspension system may affect the alignment of the ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) components, such as cameras or sensors, and require ADAS calibration to ensure accuracy of all systems.

Wheel Alignment: As mentioned earlier, proper wheel alignment is critical for maintaining the stability, steering, and handling characteristics of a vehicle. Wheel alignment issues may affect the accuracy of the ADAS system and require calibration to correct.

Body Repair: If a vehicle has been in an accident and requires body repair work, any damage to the ADAS components, such as cameras or sensors, may require calibration to ensure that they are properly aligned and functioning correctly.

Brake System Repair: The braking system in a vehicle is critical for ensuring safe and effective stopping performance. Any repair or replacement work that affects the brake system may require calibration to ensure that the system is working properly and providing consistent stopping power.

In general, any repair work that affects the position, alignment, or functionality of the ADAS components (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) may require calibration to ensure that the system is working correctly. It is important to consult with a professional technician who has the proper training and equipment to perform ADAS calibration when necessary. 

Do you need to get ADAS calibration for a fender bender?

It depends on the severity and location of the impact, as well as the specific ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) installed in the vehicle. If the fender bender caused damage to any of the components that are part of the ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems), such as cameras, sensors, or radars, then calibration may be necessary to ensure that these components are properly aligned and functioning correctly.

In general, any impact that affects the ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) in a vehicle should be evaluated by a professional technician to determine whether calibration is necessary. Even minor damage or misalignment to the ADAS system can compromise its accuracy and functionality, potentially putting the safety of the driver and passengers at risk.

It is important to note that some ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) may also require calibration after routine maintenance work, such as replacing the windshield or performing suspension repairs. This is because these types of repairs can affect the position or alignment of the ADAS components.

If you are unsure whether your vehicle's ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) requires calibration after a fender bender or other impact, it is recommended to consult with AiDrive360 who can evaluate the damage and recommend the appropriate course of action.

Overall, many different types of vehicles may require ADAS calibration services  (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) at some point in their lifespan, depending on their specific components and systems. However, vehicles with ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) are more likely to require calibration services from AiDrive360 in San Diego County, as these systems are becoming increasingly common and complex in modern vehicles. Call us with your Advanced Driver Assistance Systems needs.



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